
Shiro Dhara

According to Chark medicated oil for a suitable period over the head is called Murdha Tail. Acharya Vagbhatta has classified Murdha tail in to following 4 types-

(1) Shiraha Abhyanga– Annointing of head with medicated oils.

(2) Shirak Shek– Pouring oil over the head knows as Shirodhara.

(3) Shriaha pichu– Keeping Keeping a cotton piece dipped in oil over the head.

(4) Shirovasti– Keeping medicated oil over head in a specialized cap like structure.

Use of Shirodhara-

  • It cures long standing insomnia.
  • It cures headache and migraine.

It cures hypertension.

It checks blindness and graying of hair.

It stpos fall of hair.

Hair becomes black, long and deep-rooted.

It also gives very beneficial affect on facial paralysis as well as paralysis also.

Sense organs become more sharp and work effectively.

Induce sound sleep and happiness.